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Customer Testimonials

I looooooove your website!! The pictures came out absolutely amazing!!! Thanks for all of your hard work!!! You are appreciated more than you know!!! Love ya!!

-Mashariki Wilson, TMDC Parent

-Judy Morgan, TMDC Parent

Coach T is the best of the best. I have been with Coach T since 6th grade as a cheerleader. We weren't the tightest because of my behavior. We went to dance competition and we didn't win that year. So i tried out for cheer again and half through the season I quit. I took more outside dance classes such as ballet and others. In eighth grade I joined the Kipp Strive dance team. I loved that team and I gained a much tighter and closer relationship with Coach T. She thought I was good but she pushed me to another level. She made me stronger not only as a dancer but also as a person. She was a believer. She always had a vision/dream that she believed was going to happen and she strived for the best. I became captain of the Kipp Strive dance team. By the big help of Coach T, I led my team to victory. Also to mention that her choreography has gained two back to back titles in the Lukesports Dance Competition. Our team is undefeated right now. The cheer team has won many titles aslo with the help of Coach T. Coach T LOVES every child that she teaches and takes each and every one under her wing. She leads them through the right doors. I love Coach T to the fullest. She has taught me alot. The memories that she makes are irreplaceable and like no other. Tavena Mitchell is a hands down EXCELLENT coach!!!!!

-Mekka Wilson, Founding TMDC Member/Student

All I can say is: wow. My dance and cheer career have come a long way thanks to TMDC. I was in 6th grade when I first started working with TMDC. I had no cheer experience and some dance experience. I was so excited to start. I'm not going to lie; in the beginning of my cheer career, it was tough. We went through some hard, but SUPER helpful conditioning. My body adapted to this routine. By the beginning of basketball season, I had lost a lot of weight (thank goodness :D). When it came to dance, I knew the basics, techniques, styles, and then some; I've been dancing since I was 3. TMDC really helped me improve my skills; whether it was pointing my toes in a leap or hitting the counts, when the music came on, it not only helped me, but my teammates become back to back Dance Champions. Now, thanks to TMDC, I've had the chance to dance for the Atlanta Hawks on their "Atlanta Hawks Inspiration Night", and as of this summer I plan to attend the majorette dance camp with the Dancing Dolls ,from the hit Lifetime TV Network series, "Bring It!" All I can say to TMDC is: thank you. You've not only made me a better cheerleader and dancer, you've made me into the poised, young lady I am today, so thank you.

-Autumn Thompson, TMDC Student/Dancer

- Schlethia Harrison, TMDC Parent

- Joi Simmons, TMDC Parent

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